Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Home Church

So this week Sydney started her own hula lessons. It was so much fun watching the 15 or so little girls trying to dance all together. I was so excited. I think mostly because I know that they were having fun. It makes me want to learn too. Maybe I can learn and come home and teach everyone how to do it. We will just have to see. This picture was not actually taken at Sydney's practice. I took my 3rd cousin, Amber (who lives on the same island I do, with her husband, that is in the army, and 2 kids) to see the North Shore. On the way up there we passed a park where these ladies were doing hula under this very large gazebo. I am not sure if you are supposed to take pictures of them but we did anyway from the car. You can learn a lot from watching hula. Each song tells a different story. Sydney's class is working on songs like "Jesus in the Family" and "Jesus loves me."
This is a picture of the "sea arch." Courtney and I went to see it when we went on our round island tour, before she left. It was a really cool island rock that had this hole in the center of it from a hurricane a few years back. It is a tourist site because there is a Hawaiian legend that this island is part of a giant lizard that was killed and his body parts were spread all over the ocean (along with the surrounding islands). Weird, but people actually believe this stuff!
I got to experience something really neat on Sunday. My friend, Bethany and her husband, Jake went with me to visit another church this week. After that I went with them to Bethany's parents house with her 6 brothers and sisters, where Jake's family showed up with his 5 brothers and sisters, and then the Smythe's came with there 10 kids. It was so much fun. They had this get-together in lieu of Palm Sunday. We ate lunch, then fellowshiped and played games, then gathered together to sing hymns and read the story of Jesus riding into town on a donkey. Then after a brief discussion someone said "well...What are we having for dinner?" so they fixed something for supper and from there the women went on a walk and the kids watched a movie. The next thing I knew it was 9:30. It was so neat to be able to be a part of this group on this day. I really enjoyed it and really was able to see how the church, even though very different how we are very much alike. I knew, then, how much I hungered for fellowship and being able to see Christ's body having rest in each other on Sunday. My prayer is that I will be able to learn from these families. I think that is what the church is supposed to look like. Not only going and spending time at church but gathering and fellowshiping with one-another all day long on Sundays. I pray that God will continue to show Himself to me through the encouragement of these families. To God be the Glory!

sounds like you are really getting a feel for the culture hope!
i'd love to see you hula!!
Well Marie, I have to learn first. When I come home in August I can teach some of the Girl's Bible Study how to do it!
Hawaii sounds makes me want to hula..hehe..Im glad you are experiencing a community of Christians there. I know, from my experiences, how hard it can be to be so far from home, and finding other Christians is vital! Best to you and I'll keep you in my prayers as you continue your adventures..loving keeping in touch with u thru this blogging...

I am so jealous of you!! I can't wait until I can learn how to hula...
HOOOOOPPPPPEEEEE. it sounds like you're having such a good time in hawaii... i am jealous :) have fun with susannah this week, take good care of her!
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